Mayberry: A Misplaced Hope

 "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4

I had been fed a lie. And what's worse is I indulged in. The ease of having all at my disposal and comfort at my leisure is conscience numbing and faith wilting.

Everyone has been effected by the constraints of COVID19. No family get togethers, no friend outings - at least not without a mask (in some places). For my little family, not much changed because my husband is considered an essential worker. Yet for the world around us, lots had changed. Slowly but surely that began to creep in and expose hidden motives and fears in my heart.

When COVID19 really started becoming a thing in the US around February/March of 2020, I remember kind of just being in a little delusion and protection mode in my brain. "This can't be real." I would hope. I would crave to wake up and it to NOT be real. I would lament to God about how I WANTED the world around me to stay safe and sound. I WANTED the world to stay okay so I could raise my daughter and see her grow up. 

Not just COVID19 boiling but all the violence and disgusting things happening in the world. I wanted it all to stop (and still do). That's when it hit me... 

Jesus PROMISED trials, tribulations (pressure) and persecution. (John 16:33) Why would I expect, as His follower, to be exempt from a life of hardship? 

It's as if I have had this Mayberry, American Dream delusion painted over my eyes. I wasn't keeping my eyes fixed on things above (Colossians 3), where my life truly belongs. I have been making my home and kingdom here. That's dangerous! 

It's still very easy for me to set my sights on the things that I have here. I live in a tight-knit community that is in the Bible belt of the United States. I am still relatively not persecuted for my faith in Jesus Christ. These things make it so easy to be lacking in my faith and zeal for the Lord.

COVID19 exposed that my hope had been  misplaced from Jesus Christ to believing  in the lie that I need to be in an environment that caters to my needs, that caters to my expectations. I have been settling down roots where my roots don't belong. 

It's been rough for all of us I know. But we have this hope as an anchor for our soul that is firm and secure in Christ Jesus. (Hebrew 6:19-20) I find that I am encouraged in my faith when I get out of my isolated bubble and I reach out to others who are hurting very much in this time. My strength is renewed like the eagles (Psalm 103) when I stop focussing on my American dream and what I want and I look at people around me who are sincerely scared or don't know the promises of Christ and they need a reminder or they need to have an encounter with the love of God. 

All of this is just to be real with you and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has been deceived into believing that we need to set our kingdom here. I encourage you to begin digging deep in God's word and to know his promises so that when you run into somebody who is suffering, who is really hurting and really just needs a listening ear or an encouraging truth: that this is not all that there is, that one day our tears will be wiped away. (Revelation 21:4 ) This is what we are here for. To get out of our houses, to get out of our churches, to go and make disciples of Christ. 


  1. This is so very true. We are the church and we should be in our word daily so in the world all can see Jesus in us.


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