We Are Fountains

Recently as a new mother I have been struggling with sharing my faith because I choose to stay at home to raise my daughter. Before I was working with other adults on a regular schedule then I transitioned from working outside of the home, to stay at home mama, and honestly it has been quite difficult. But as I reflect on God’s love, He has been good to show me how to share my faith even in this new calling.

I was standing at my stove cooking breakfast telling my daughter who had just become two months old how much I love her when a thought entered my mind. “I can show her my love better by teaching her about where the source of love comes from, Jesus Christ”. So I began talking to her about the love of God in the simplest way that I could. I recounted what the Bible says in John 3:16,

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

Sharing this simple truth was such a boost to my own faith! It was something that I desperately needed to jog my memory of God’s love for me. With this incredible fact beaming through me, I couldn’t help but pour out praise to God and love my daughter more truly.
Consider a puddle, stagnant and unhealthy for anyone to drink, this water can be related to our faith if we are not sharing it. A fountain, in contrast, has refreshed water circulating back and forth. The water splashes out to touch the edge of the perimeter around it, whereas the puddle keeps to itself, idle. If I keep my faith to myself it becomes lifeless like this puddle with stationary water, leading to weariness and lack of fruit. But when I share the love of Jesus Christ to others I am flowing like the fountain being renewed again with the living water of God’s Word, the Bible.
This reminds me of John 15:4-5 when Jesus says,

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”

I don’t always spend the amount of time I need in the Bible, but I try to keep a constant prayer going on in my mind with God. Storing His Word in my heart is what allows me to abide in the Lord when spare time is not always available. The Holy Spirit reminds me of the truth tucked in my heart and I use the Bible app. on my phone to read when time is limited throughout the day.

Getting bummed out by the mundane chores and tasks of everyday life can happen easily. When we abide in the Lord and share his love and promises, we can pass this hope on to everyone.
Anyone can do it, no matter where you are at in life. Whether you are a stay at home mother or father, a lawyer, a grocery store clerk, a tennis player, you can share the fresh life giving Water you have been blessed to know in Christ.


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